Nautilus Tea Company

Extraordinary Tea

(916) 542-1832

Nautilus Tea Company provides great tea for your enjoyment. Shop our online store or watch for information about local pop-ups where you can get your tea!

We're baaaack...and Happy Anniversary to us!

I'm really glad to be back after a great time with family and friends relaxing and thinking up new ideas for the shop.  I had enough time to relax while also getting anxious to come back in, so as someone said today: the perfect amount of time!

One of the things we were pondering had to do with the fact that we lost our bakery that was supplying our cookies and scones as of the beginning of the month.  If all goes well, we will have something new in place next week.  Bear with us while we work out the kinks that come with any new endeavor, but I promise, it'll be great and I am hoping better than before!

Another thing we have been thinking about is: can you believe it's been almost a year since we opened?  We are amazed that it's already here because at times, it seems to have gone really fast and at other times, we have felt the minutes drag (such as on those early slow days).  But it's all been completely worth it!  To celebrate, we will be having an open house on Saturday, June 27th from noon to four.  We'll have samples of tea, iced flavors to try, and nibbles to go along with it all.  We will also have entertainment, so please come and help us celebrate our first anniversary!  (More information will be forthcoming!)
